Topten China

Combating climate change through energy efficiency in China

WWF and Topten cooperate for a low carbon lifestyle
“Electricity is the energy choice for the future, but efficiency in its use is a central condition.”  The Energy Report, WWF (2011)
Energy efficiency is key to sustainable development. Therefore, WWF and Topten China have joined forces, sharing the same mission - climate change mitigation through market transformation towards energy efficiency. 
WWF is cooperating with Topten China, part of the global Topten network,  providing credible, up-to-date information on the most efficient products currently available in China. Topten is an online tool to help you make a smart choice when buying new products. It is a neutral, transparent selection, and evaluation based on impartial testing and analysis.  
The Topten China website,  presents product information using pictures, listing functions, availability, and prices. You can compare for example washing machines, fridges and freezers, TV sets, computers, and cars.

Top10 information is also available as hard copy consumer guides
© Huang Luting, Top10 China
Energy efficiency is a constructive way to address the challenges of climate change. Globally, one third of the power production is used for lighting, household appliances, and electronics. The energy savings potential for these products is roughly two thirds, if we compare conventional products with the most energy efficient ones. 
Average energy consumption for typical household appliances
© Topten

The Topten China product selection lists only the best-performing products within category 1. This makes it easier for you to choose from among the thousands of products available. 

The selection is based on existing national regulations and international energy measurement standards, and the methodology is available online. Topten is neutral, rigorous and transparent. It is independent of manufacturers and retailers. 
So next time you are going to purchase a new product, have a look at Topten China:
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