Business Engagement

Business today has realized the tremendous impact that climate change has brought upon human life and business development. As a result, more and more WWF is aware of the key functions of businesses in dealing with climate change, and the cooperation with businesses will advance the progress in a positive way to the full extent.

The Opportunity

On the national level, China has set a remarkable target to reduce the energy intensity (energy used/per unit GDP) by 20% over 2006-2010, and ambitious renewable energy targets adding up to 15% share in electricity and 19% of all primary energy used by year 2020. While the actual compliance with those targets is still unclear, substantive work to encourage energy efficiency in various sectors of the economy and switch to renewable energy has begun.

There is openness and willingness among businesses and industry in China to deliver on the targets agreed by the government. Companies from key industries like steel, cement, chemical, and construction have taken concrete actions to reduce their carbon footprint. There exist however some challenges and opportunities such as actions to expand to a larger scale of business community and a deeper extent.

WWF’s Response

In helping China address the climate challenges, WWF China has been active in supporting Chinese government’s and businesses’ policy development and implementation. We have taken up business engagement in climate actions as one of our priority work, and been mobilizing the Chinese business and industry community to play a positive role in achieving a low carbon economy. We believe there are enormous opportunities for businesses to improve their standing and their bottom line through actions that cut CO2 emissions.

WWF is working to deliver...

Best Practice of Low Carbon Prosperity in China
To help companies in China implement low carbon development at a practical level, WWF initiated the nationwide project “A Business Voice for Low Carbon Prosperity in China” to analyze the innovative climate actions of 12 leading enterprises from 6 major sectors of the economy. These studies highlight the sustainable solutions for low carbon development, and showcase how companies could benefit from early actions.

Capacity building for businesses to develop low carbon strategy
From 2010 to 2011, WWF will cooperate with government agencies and research institutions to host “Low Carbon Business Leadership” series executive education programme, helping enhance businesses’ capacity to promote low carbon development.

China Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs Club (CREEC)
Working with the NDRC’s Energy Research Institute, WWF sponsored the China Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs Club (CREEC), a new high-level club focused on promoting the development of renewable energy in China. The CREEC is expected to offer a new platform for the business sector, policy makers and other stakeholders to discuss the future growth of China’s renewable energy sector. The club’s initial members are limited to CEO-level representatives from top renewable energy enterprises.