
WWF's Global Marine Programme develops, advocates, and implements solutions for the protection of marine ecosystems and the sustainable use of marine resources.
Isolated protected areas cannot effectively conserve marine habitats. Neither can isolated instances of well-managed fisheries.

We therefore promote a large-scale, holistic approach – the conservation and sustainable management of entire marine ecoregions.

This involves:

  • the establishment of well-managed, representative networks of Marine Protected Areas.
  • the sustainable management of fisheries and other marine resources through ecosystem-based management.
  • Our work is focused on supporting the conservation of WWF's marine priority places and species as well as relevant Global Initiatives – Smart Fishing, Market Transformation, Coral Triangle, Coastal East Africa and Arctic.

A collaborative approach

We work in partnership with key stakeholders – such as fishers, local communities, governments, other conservation groups, and global conventions – to find and implement innovative solutions.

We also help bring governments together to cooperate on managing their shared marine resources.

And we bring the realities of overfishing and degraded marine habitats to decision makers so that they are more likely to agree on policies that benefit the environment.
The astonishingly rich biodiversity of the Yellow Sea region is under threat from poorly managed coastal development, unsustainable fisheries and pollution. WWF is working with partners to improve the effective management of coastal and marine protected areas, which will benefit many species of marine life and migratory shorebirds.