Climate Savers

To achieve our conservation mission the world must limit global warming to well below 2ºC from pre-industrial levels. Global GHG emissions must be reduced with at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.


We work with leading companies to find the best answers to reduce CO2 emissions and keep global warming well below 2ºC.

By the end of 2010, Climate Savers companies will collectively have cut carbon emissions by an estimated 50 million tons since the programme’s inception.
Business has a vital role to play in implementing technologies that reduce CO2 emissions.

WWF Climate Savers are partnerships between WWF and corporations, aimed at delivering real, measurable and additional reductions in CO2 emissions.

Our work highlights the commercial, as well as the environmental, benefits of companies minimizing their carbon footprint.

After negotiations between WWF, the partner company, and independent technical experts, a set of targets are agreed.

These targets must be demonstrably more ambitious than previously planned and communicated by the company, and should place the company ahead of its competitors in terms of reducing greenhouse gases.

Outside experts monitor and verify compliance with these agreements.

How does it work?

Climate Savers are cutting-edge partnerships between WWF and corporations, aimed at delivering real, measureable and additional reductions in CO2 emissions. Our partners are implementing forward thinking solutions to climate change, showing that a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions can work hand-in-hand with increased shareholder value. Our work highlights the business sense in companies minimising their carbon footprint. A Climate Savers agreement involves negotiations between WWF, the company concerned and independent technical experts.

The target agreed with WWF must be demonstrably more ambitious than previously planned or communicated by the company. It should place the company ahead of its competitors in terms of reducing greenhouse gases. Outside experts monitor and verify compliance with the agreement.

Climate Savers agreements could involve targets and solutions in one or more of the following categories:
  • Energy efficiency of products
  • Energy efficiency in processes or facilities
  • Energy-saving products
  • Transport efficiency
  • Fuel switching to natural gas or increased use of co-generation
  • Conversion to renewable energy (supply, use, marketing)
  • Financing schemes for the innovations above.

Why Climate Savers?

Climate Savers is a unique partnership which has already demonstrated effectively that economic growth and greenhouse gas reductions can go hand in hand.

Positioning yourself at the forefront of corporate carbon strategy not only will make a difference for our planet, but will help your company to:
  • Cut energy costs
  • Prepare your business for inevitable carbon regulation
  • Develop new products and services
  • Increase your profile as an innovative responsible corporate citizen
  • Increase employee loyalty
  • Secure customers and financiers that are increasingly expecting leadership on climate change from you
  • Improve risk management

Each participating company is also rewarded with exclusive benefits, such as:

Climate Savers companies invest in substantial emission reductions that are consistent with the goal of preventing dangerous climate change, and they are proactively advocating for the world to follow their example.

Climate Savers commitments are based on absolute emission reduction targets and ambitious time tables. Progress towards these targets is monitored and verified by independent third-party experts and made public by the company and WWF.

With a presence in over 100 countries, WWF is able to inspire, facilitate and promote corporate action on climate change in virtually every corner of the globe, giving the Climate Savers programme the widest geographic reach.

Climate Savers is run by WWF, one of the world's largest independent conservation organization with one of the strongest brands in the world.

Benefits of GHG reduction
It’s not just the climate that benefits…
Positioning yourself at the forefront of corporate carbon strategy will help you to:

  • Cut energy costs
  • Prepare your business for inevitable carbon regulation
  • Develop new products and services
  • Increase your profile as an innovative responsible corporate citizen
  • Increase employee loyalty
  • Secure customers and financiers that are increasingly expecting leadership on climate change from you
  • Improve risk management


Over the past decade, with the support of WWF, these companies have collectively decreased their CO2 emissions by 50 million tons, while creating competitive advantage and increasing shareholder value.

They’re not waiting for governments to take action – they’re busy leading the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Catalyst, Diversey, Elopak, Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Lafarge, National Geographic, Natura, Nike, Nokia, Nokia, Siemens Networks, Novo Nordisk, Polaroid, Sagawa, Spitsbergen Travel, Sofidel, Sony, Tetra Pak, The Collins Companies, The Coca Cola Company, Xanterra Parks & Resorts