28 Chinese companies of China Solid Wood Flooring Alliance launched the "Forest Declaration"

Posted on 01 July 2016   |  
Anji, China (7/1/16)  28 Chinese woode flooring companies solemnly signed on "Forest Declaration" and committed: "By 2030, eliminate and avoid illegal and controversial sources of raw materials and timber by 100% in the enterprise supply chain; increase production and supply of credible certified timber products; develop appropriate action plans to introduce tracking and transparency mechanisms of product sourcing; implement sustainable business development strategy, and engage public on ‘Green Consumption’ of forest products." This commitment is made when the China Solid Wood Flooring Alliance (CSWFU), WWF and the China National Forest Products Industry Association (CNFPIA) conducted "Global Forest Declaration" initiative--- anniversary charity event of CSWFU in Anji, Zhejiang. These 28 enterprises accounts for more than 80% market share of solid wooden flooring in China.
Mr. Jin Zhonghao, Director of market transformation, WWF China, said that "Forest, accounting for 30% of the land area, is the home of mankind and 80% of known terrestrial species and is the main body of global terrestrial ecosystems. Sustainable forest management is related to global ecological security and so should be a shared responsibility of all stakeholders including business, government, and civil society. We are very pleased to see that, following the “Forest Declaration” made by 7 NGOs and 9 Chinese companies at Paris COP 21 last year, another 28 Chinese solid wood flooring processing enterprises joined the 'Forest Declaration' and made green commitment, corresponding to the New York Forest Declaration initiated by UN in September 2014. This action expresses the sense of responsibility and willingness of Chinese wood processing enterprises for global ecological security."
Mr. Liu Guangyun, the former Deputy Minister of the State Forestry Administration (SFA), who participated the whole events including tree plantation freshly though already 84 years old, said: "Forests are the lungs of the earth. However, nearly 13 million hectares of forest is disappearing every year, and more forests are in degradation, due to the global illegal logging, excessive and inappropriate conversion. It leads to global desertification and increasing carbon emission. 60% of terrestrial land is lack of freshwater; species extinction rate is accelerating; people from more than 110 countries are directly harmed. I have been working in forestry since 1953. Since the founding of New China, the central government invested considerably to forestry. China's forest coverage rate increased from 8.6 % in 1949 to the current 20.36%. China is the world's largest consumer of timber, while one third of its national land suffers from soil erosion, which needs closer collaboration by government, NGOs, and businesses. I hope more and more companies take actions, fighting against the challenge of environmental and social issues caused by forest loss and degradation, following the path of sustainable development, and building a green economy under the new normal condition. "
Mr. Zhang Enjiu, Vice-Chairman of CSWDU and Chairman of Treessun Flooring, who read “Forest Declaration” on behalf of participants, said: " CSWFU and WWF co-sponsored China's ‘Forest Declaration’ to jointly resist deforestation and other production and consumption that damage the environment, to ensure the core interests of residents, farmers, employees in forest communities, to ensure global ecological security, to jointly cope with climate change and achieve sustainable development of the global environment and society. "
Mr. She Xuebin, President of the CSWDU and chairman Nature Flooring, said: "July 2015, Nature Flooring and 18 core Chinese solid wood flooring companies launched CSWDU. And then we have taken a number of action - donated World Natural Heritage Kaibing towers, launched the 'Green Citizen Action – Protect Wetland The Rare Bird’s Kingdom' project, participated in the 'Earth Hour', and today's Forest Declaration. This series of actions let us feel the heavy responsibility on our shoulder. As ' Merit Conservation Supporter ' enterprise awarded by WWF China, Nature employs Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification standards to manage our concessions in Amazon, accepting the highest international standards along the whole process from forest management, harvesting, transportation, manufacturing, and selling, to prevent illegal logging and destruction of the natural environment. At the same time, we strictly adherence to local forestry laws and regulations, make a 20-year rotation logging plan and strict selective cutting, promoting the natural regeneration of trees more effectively to protect the health of the rainforest. In addition, we are also actively providing helps to the local communities and indigenous peoples including building roads and bridges, and employment to improve their standard of living. We are convinced that only protect the environment can we develop the economy, because: nature does not need human, human needs nature "
Mr. Shi Feng, Secretary-General of China National Forest Products Industry Association, who facilitated the event, said: "We make commitment to forest and ecology. This is not only a responsibility but also an honor. The 28 enterprise signed on 'Forest Declaration” are also the 'pilots of timber legality verification' of the Association. It enables their ability to implement their commitments, so that they can play a leading role in tracing the origin of wood and verify its legality.”
For more information, please contact:
Sun He, Program Communication Manager
hsun@wwfchina.org  86-1350-137-6574
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